Clearance on Cindy colouring head & Chloé haircut head !

Ethics and environment

Exalto Professionnel :
Towards a better world

Aware of the environmental, economic and social impacts of our activities, and convinced that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a collective responsibility, we are determined to contribute to a fairer, more responsible and sustainable world. 


Our commitment to CSR is demonstrated by the implementation of concrete actions based on 4 fundamental pillars.

"We act as responsible employers, we work with responsible suppliers, we respect the environment and promote eco-gestures. "
Grégory & Amandine COLIN


At Exalto Professionnel, acting as a responsible employer is an ethical choice, and we are convinced that it helps to motivate and retain our employees by creating a positive and productive working environment. 


We provide our employees with a safe and healthy working environment that respects human rights.

 We also implement all appropriate safety measures to minimize and eliminate workplace hazards.


We are committed to facilitating the professional integration of older employees, who all too often find it difficult to find a job.

What's more, work-study programs, which have been in constant evolution for several years, are also a strong means of integrating new talent and giving young people the opportunity to develop their skills

Since 2022, we have recruited 4 work-study positions within our company.


We are committed to providing our employees with rewarding working conditions that encourage their commitment and motivation. 

To achieve this, we offer them training to help them develop professionally and progress in their careers.

Working with responsible suppliers

At Exalto Professionnel, we are committed to working with responsible suppliers who share our values and comply with current environmental, social and ethical standards.

A rigorous assessment process

We have put in place a rigorous process for selecting and evaluating our suppliers, using evaluation questionnaires and on-site audits to ensure that they comply with current environmental, social and ethical regulations and standards. 

We also make every effort to maintain open and transparent communication with our suppliers, in order to establish a relationship of trust and ensure their commitment to our evaluation criteria.

We are committed to minimizing the use of chemical substances hazardous to the environment and human health in our products.

All our mannequin heads produced by our suppliers do not contain any substance of very high concern at a concentration exceeding 0.1 percentage by mass, in accordance with REACH regulation no. 1907/2006.


At Exalto Professionnel, we are committed to a policy of sustainable development aimed at minimizing our ecological footprint. To achieve this, we pay particular attention to the use of eco-responsible packaging and the recycling of our products at the end of their life span.

0 %
components of the mannequin head are recycled
0 th
to have developed a system to recycle our malleable heads
0 %
of our partner customers participate in the recycling process


For 10 years now, we have been distributing our malleable heads throughout the world, United States, Mexico, Italy, Germany, etc.

The observation struck us 4 years ago, 90,000 buds that we sell around the world are also 90,000 products thrown in the trash, tons of plastic...

Many of you also shared this sad observation and asked us for a solution. We then worked hard to find a solution to minimize our environmental impact.

Hundreds of hours of discussions, research, and trips to organizations specializing in waste recovery led us on the path to recycling.

A unique process was then designed at Exalto to recycle its products locally and ethically. We are proud today to be the precursors of this brand new circular economy process, a small step to move forward in the world of tomorrow.


After two long years of research, we finally found the solution to recycle our malleable heads with local organizations.

The ABS base is melted down to be reused in the manufacture of new products.

The foam inside which gives the head this hard appearance is made of PU and is used for heating our cities.

The flexible plastic mask will have a second life and will be used to make watering hoses.

Finally the hair is donated to the Capillum association. They will participate in part in cleaner agriculture, the preservation of our oceans as well as medical research to treat severe burns.

It was important to us to work in partnership with ESATs, work assistance establishments and services, in which people with disabilities work. We met extraordinary people.

At Exalto we are driven by the desire to always do better, always more, whether to develop new products, constantly improve our quality or create more responsible products for a greener world.

For several years now, we have been using only biodegradable nylon bags for the unit packaging of our mannequin heads.

acting locally with our stakeholders

At Exalto Professionnel, we recognize that CSR is an ongoing process. We are committed to CSR in all our activities, and to continuously improving our practices to meet current and future environmental, social and economic challenges.

We are committed to promoting eco-gestures among our teams in order to minimize our environmental impact.

 To this end, we have set up initiatives to raise awareness of environmental issues among our employees. 

We have also set up a selective waste sorting process on our premises, and have taken steps to reduce our water consumption.

We are committed to active involvement in the local community. To this end, we have created a partnership for the recycling of our waste with an establishment and work assistance service (Esat). 

We are convinced that this initiative will promote the circular economy and contribute to the professional integration of disabled people.